about us

CAROLINE is mom to two little boys, a 1 year old and a newborn. She is trained and works part-time as a certified genetic counselor, and has a special interest and expertise in healthcare knowledge and scholarly research resources.

HANNAH is raising a 3 year old boy and a 1 year old girl, with another baby due soon! Prior to becoming a full time homemaker, she worked as a property & casualty actuary (ACAS). She enjoys researching and making decisions based on the numbers, although toddlers seem to be even less predictable than insurance claims.

We’re women. We’re friends. We’re sisters. We’re mothers. And we know intimately well that crippling question: what do I do? 

As every parent learns, so often the hard way, decision-making is an integral part of parenting. It started the moment we saw that positive pregnancy test, and it’s ongoing every single day as we raise our children through baby and toddlerhood. And according to our parents, the decisions don’t end with the teenage years or even when your baby grows up, becomes an adult, and moves out. As we welcomed our children into our families and began to help each other stumble through the daily avalanche of parenting decisions, we realized how quickly the feelings of overwhelm can set in. Every day, we would scroll through Instagram, listen to podcasts, and read articles hoping to find the answers to our latest question. 

Should we give birth at a hospital or birth center? Which diaper brand is better, Huggies or Pampers? Should we vaccinate our child at their upcoming 2 month appointment? Can they eat this brand of pancake mix? Does it have too much sodium? Are baby jumpers safe for development? And the list goes on, and on, and on. 

Outside our own families, we watch our dear friends struggle to find relevant information, decide what to do, try something that wasn’t working, and go back to the drawing board looking for new ideas. 

Maybe you’re like us, just trying to do the best thing for your children and for your family day after day. 

This is where the excitement and fun of parenthood hits the practicality of how to best raise your children.

We hope that our story, our journey, and these resources can be a place of learning, growth, and confidence for you. We’ve been working together since day one (well, at least since Caroline was born). And now, we’re so excited to work with you, too.